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Applying a Security Mindset to Lock Down Azure SQL DB

Surbhi Pokharna

Securing your database in cloud is not an act but a mindset.
Securing a database is frustrating because how do you know when you are done? Meeting bare minimum of an auditor’s checklist is likely to leave gaps. The best option is to develop a security mindset and aim for building multi-layered defense system approach.
In this talk, we will show you demos for how to implement each layer of defense one wall at a time. This way, if one layer is breached, you aren’t left defenseless. We will start at the outer layer with network access. Next, we will cover the authentication and authorization using Azure RBAC. Finally, we will protect the innermost layer with Data At Rest and Data In Transit encryption. Once these protections are in place, we’ll see how to monitor Azure SQL security ecosystem for intrusions with Advanced threat protection and more.
By the end of this talk, you will have a plan in play to implement multi-layer defense as well as monitoring for Azure SQL.

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