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Women in Technology: 2024 call for speakers now open

May 22, 2024


by Mala Mahadevan and Leslie Andrews

Hello everyone,

The Women in Technology call for speakers for PASS Summit 2024 has opened!

We hope you’re considering joining us and possibly taking the stage as a speaker too! We’ve been dedicated to enhancing, supporting, and celebrating diversity at the conference, and we’re thrilled to see a continuous increase in the attendance of women and diverse individuals over the years. This year, our focus is on amplifying diverse voices, especially women speakers.

Our Women in Tech (WIT) lunch has always been a highlight at the conference, featuring engaging panel discussions on topics relevant to women in the tech industry. This year, we’re shaking things up by introducing a keynote address from a renowned female speaker, replacing the traditional panel format. Of course, the panel option is still open for regular submissions.

We’re on the lookout for a dynamic WIT speaker from the community who can share insights on a topic she’s passionate about and that resonates with women. If the idea of delivering a keynote is new or feels a bit intimidating, don’t worry – we’re here to support and encourage you every step of the way. As a woman, if you haven’t experienced being a keynote speaker before, this could be a fantastic opportunity for growth.

In addition to the same benefits as regular speakers at the summit, our WIT keynote speaker will receive special recognition for her valuable time and effort, along with an extra token of appreciation.

Below are some suggested topics that may interest our audience, but feel free to propose your own as well. We’re excited about the opportunity to showcase diverse perspectives and expertise at this year’s conference!

Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Empowering Ambitious Women to Claim Their Rightful Place

  • Discuss the challenges women face in career progression within the database technology sector.
  • Provide guidance on skill development, mentorship, and networking.
  • Intersectionality in Tech: Amplifying Diverse Voices.

Creating Inclusive Work Environments: The Role of Companies

  • Explore the intersectionality of gender with race, ethnicity, and other factors in the tech industry.
  • Discuss how to create a more inclusive environment for women with diverse backgrounds.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

  • Discuss imposter syndrome and its impact on women in the tech industry.
  • Provide strategies for overcoming self-doubt and building confidence.

Tech Communities as Catalysts for Change

  • Highlight the role of tech communities in supporting and empowering women in database technology.
  • Discuss the importance of mentorship programs, networking events, and support networks.

Ready to submit?

Check out the WIT call for speakers guide for more information. When you’re ready to submit your proposals, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you at PASS Summit 2024! You can also reach us at if you have any questions.

The WIT User group,

Mala Mahadevan and Leslie Andrews

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