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The results are in from The Community Insights Survey

February 28, 2024

We recently conducted a Community Insights Survey to better understand the needs, preferences, and challenges of our community and were thrilled to receive responses from around the world!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer our questions, your feedback is incredibly valuable and is already helping to shape this year’s PASS Summit. 

 The survey covered questions around learning preferences, content topics, and different event elements. We especially appreciated the responses to our open-ended questions where you shared with us the challenges and pain-points that you would like to see solutions for in November.  

New for PASS Summit 2024:

One of the key findings, which has come up often, is session lengths. Over 61% would like to see 1-hour sessions, with 45-minute sessions coming in at 43%, and 75-minute sessions at 31%. Based on these results, and consistent feedback we’ve received in previous years, we will be introducing two new session lengths in addition to our traditional session categories: 

  • Session-45 45-minute sessions, inclusive of Q&A 
  • Session-60 – 60-minute sessions, inclusive of Q&A 

The survey also gave us great insight into which topics are currently most wanted, with the following top ten topics per track: 

We’ve pulled together all of the key findings into a helpful infographic, which you can view here.

We greatly appreciate everyone’s feedback and we’re pleased to demonstrate the changes we’ve made to PASS Summit 2024 as a direct result.

However, this isn’t the only opportunity you have to send us your suggestions. We’re always open to continual feedback, and we are keen to work with the data community throughout the year to ensure we meet your needs as best we can. You can share your thoughts with us by emailing at any time, and you can DM us on LinkedIn and Twitter. Your input shapes every aspect of this conference.

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