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PASS Data Community Summit 2024 – Get Involved!

February 14, 2024

2024 Program Update

We are excited to announce two calls that will be opening towards the end of February! The 2024 Call for Speakers and the 2024 Call for Program Committee Volunteers.

Both will open at the end of February, with the Call for Volunteers closing on March 13 and the Call for Speakers running through early April.

2024 Community Call for Speakers 

This year’s PASS Data Community Summit will be held in the beautiful new Summit Building at the Washington State Convention Center, this November 4-8.

We invite you to get your creative juices flowing and prepare to submit your proposals starting at the end of this month, and you’ll have until early April to submit. Make sure to keep an eye on social media (on February 29) and your email for the official opening.

There will be 220 sessions to fill, by both community and partner sponsors, across pre-conference, keynote, deep dive, and general sessions – as well as learning paths, panels, and lightning talks. We are also keen, this year, to continue the New Stars category, run by Data Platform MVP Ben Weissman, which will have its own call for speakers opening later this summer (parameters may vary from 2023).

Based on early feedback submitted to the Community Insights survey, we will be updating the 2024 session format to include two new session lengths in addition to our traditional 75-minute sessions. Speakers will now be able to submit either 60 and 45-minute (inc. Q&A) sessions and we hope that by offering a range of session formats it will support the needs of all attendees. Please make sure to keep this in mind when preparing your proposals.

2024 Call for Program Committee Volunteers

In addition to the Call for Speakers, we will also be opening our call for Program Committee volunteers (also aiming for the end of February). This call will be open for two weeks, closing on Wednesday, March 13, with the outcome being shared with applicants no later than Friday, April 5.

We are looking to fill 25 Program Committee positions whose main function will be to complete the Abstract Review for the submitted proposals of the community call for speakers. The timeline commitment will be April to May, with the opportunity to help on other tasks and onsite support as needed, depending on availability.

As a thank you for volunteering, Program Committee members will receive a non-transferrable 3-day PASS Summit registration and 12-month on-demand access to the recordings after PASS Summit.

More information will be provided when the call opens at the end of this month so keep an eye out on social media and your emails.

2024 Community Insights Survey

As you can tell, the planning for PASS Data Community Summit 2024 is well under way, and to make sure we deliver the best conference experience imaginable, we are in the process of gathering as much feedback from the community as possible.

With that in mind, and if you haven’t already, make sure to get your thoughts heard by completing our Community Insights survey which closes this Monday, February 19th.

If you opt in for the draw, at the end of the survey, you will have a chance to win a complimentary 3-day registration for this year’s PASS Summit in Seattle, this November 4-8.

Please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback and support are invaluable, and all feedback given will be read and taken into consideration as we complete the final phases of planning. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Dates to Remember!

Community Insights Survey Deadline                 Monday, February 19

Call for Program Committee Volunteers             February – March

Community Call for Speakers                                February – April

We know that there is a lot going on out in the data community with events happening throughout March, so if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us directly at We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions or find solutions to your concerns.

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