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SQL Server 2019 on Containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from Zero to a Hero!

Yitzhak David

If containers are the new virtual machines, then Kubernetes are the new servers. Kubernetes is an important technology to the future of containerized applications, especially running enterprise workloads like SQL Server .In this session :
• Install and Configure Docker on Windows Server
o Download and Install the Docker-Microsoft PackageManagement Provider
• Install and Configure Docker on Ubuntu Linux
• The Docker Ecosystem
• Managing and Administering Containers
• Persisting Data
• Creating Custom SQL Server on Windows\linux Container Images .
• Docker Networking for SQL Server DBAs
If time permits :
• What Is k8s?
o k8s internal and Objects
o Deploying SQL Server on k8s
o SQL Server High Availability on k8s
o Updating SQL Server on k8s
o Using Helm Chart
o SQL Server Availability Groups on k8s
This is a demo session only with minimum theory & lessons from the fields !

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