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Deep Dive – The Essentials of Data Warehouse Automation – Using SAP Data with Microsoft Azure

David Freriks

Join this deep dive at PASS Summit with Qlik Data Integration and Microsoft you will learn more about our joint solutions for SAP data to streamline data warehouse automation, ingestion, cataloging, conforming data for analytics on Azure Synapse.

During the session we will explore how these joint solutions from Qlik and Microsoft decrease the time-to-insights and how to blend data with other sources like SAP data in Azure. We will also explore how you can easily get started with Qlik and Microsoft’s free Proof-of- Value (PoV) that includes software and expertise to remove barriers and accelerate real-time analytics.

You’ll learn how data professionals like you are having an impact – lowering costs, improving time-to-insights, and more.

Join and explore how to:

• Blend SAP and non-SAP data for advanced analytics
• Deliver real-time data to Azure and Synapse
• Create automated data warehouses in Azure
• Manage Data Lake creation in Azure
• Cataloging your data for PowerBI use in Azure

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