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Azure Storage – The Ins and Outs

Martin Catherall

Storing data has come a long way over the past decade – from traditional hard disk drives to Solid State drives, cloud-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions to (perceived) complex Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings.
You will likely need to consider things like speed, security, redundancy and how all these components can fit together. You will need to balance these with ease of access for your clients – all of which will have a bearing on cost.
The good news is that there is a lot of choice. While the amount of options available can be over-whelming the flexibility this can give us is considerable. However, some of the questions you might have are
• What belongs to IaaS and what belongs to PaaS?
• What storage option can be used with what compute option?
• What are Availability Sets and Availability Zones?
• What level of redundancy is appropriate?
• Can I access my cloud-based data from my On-Premises application?
• Once I’ve decided on a solution how do I set it up?
Come along to this session and hear about the ins and outs of Azure storage and the options that you will probably want to consider when making a storage decision – whatever data technology you are dealing with.

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