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Analyze Billions of Rows of Data in Real-Time Using Azure Data Explorer

Niels Berglund

In today’s competitive world, it is of utmost importance that we analyze our data to get insights from it! However, batch style analytics – where we get results hours or even days after the fact – is no longer enough. We need to be able to do near-real-time analytics, and we need to do it against a wide variety of data: structured, semi-structured, IoT data etc., etc. But what do we use for this?

The answer is Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Azure Data Explorer is a fast, fully managed data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from applications, websites, IoT devices, and more.

If being able to do near-real-time analytics sounds interesting to you, this demo-filled session is for you. In this session, we look at Azure Data Explorer, and some of the topics we look at are:

* An overview of how ADX works.
* How to ingest data into it.
* Query in real-time against billions of rows with sub-second latency.

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