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My experience attending PASS Summit for the first time

October 11, 2024

In this blog post, we meet a couple of PASS Summit 2023 first time attendees (who are returning for 2024!). Here’s what they had to say about their experiences…

  • Why did you decide to attend PASS Summit for the first time last year?

Elena: ‘Honestly, it felt like a bit of a long shot! I applied to be one of the new-ish speakers last year, and to my complete surprise—I got selected! I didn’t really know what PASS Summit was all about (which is probably for the best, because if I had, I might’ve chickened out). So there I was, stepping onto a stage for the first time ever in-person as a speaker. Talk about diving into the deep!’

Alex: ‘Since COVID, there have been limited opportunities to share SQL Server knowledge through live in person events. I feel that person to person interaction and networking is a valuable component that can sometimes be overlooked in the IT industry.’     

  • How did you find the experience attending the conference as a firsttimer?

Elena: ‘It was such a rollercoaster, in the best possible way. I went from total panic—”Oh no, it’s my first session ever!”—to being absolutely thrilled to share my knowledge with the world and meet the incredible folks in the data community. The whole week felt like a dream. By the end, I was running purely on adrenaline but also left with a ton of incredible memories. I came back home completely energized, like I’d just unlocked a whole new level of excitement for what I do.

And on top of that, I made connections that have since turned into both collaborations and lasting friendships. The value of networking here is just incredible—it’s more than just learning, it’s about building your community.’

Alex: ‘Last year I had the pleasure of attending PASS Summit and I had many positive takeaways. I was able to share my knowledge, form lasting connections with people in the industry and received the opportunity to work with the Microsoft SQL Server team in testing and reviewing the JSON data type, which should roll out in the next version of SQL Server.’

  • Do you have any tips or advice for firsttimers attending PASS Summit 2024?

Elena: ‘Definitely meet people and have some fun! It can be a little overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to rush from session to session. My advice? Plan your agenda ahead of time so you can take some moments to relax in between. You’ll have access to incredible sessions, no doubt, but don’t forget to connect with new people and enjoy the experience. The data community is full of amazing humans—make those connections!’

Alex: ‘I would suggest that first time PASS attendees put careful thought into building their schedule. There are many sessions available for every timeslot so attend the ones that would be most valuable in person, since all sessions are recorded and will be available to view after the sessions end.’

  • What brings you back to PASS Summit 2024, and what are you most looking forward to?

Elena: ‘This year, I’m part of a learning path: Creating Impactful Data Visualizations with Power BI, and I’ll be sharing a session called Accessible Insights & Inclusive Design. I’m so excited to come back and see everything from a new perspective. Of course, I’m pumped to share my passion and insights, but I’m especially looking forward to reconnecting with the data community again. It’s the people that make this experience truly unforgettable for me and PASS Summit holds a special place in my heart.’

Alex: ‘I am most looking forward to sharing the knowledge and solutions I have learned over time. This year in my Deep Dive, SQL Server Performance Tuning, from Zero to Hero, I will cover costly performance problems in daily SQL Server activities and demonstrate how to fix and prevent future performance problems.’

Are you attending PASS Summit for the first time in 2024?

Well, first of all, welcome and thanks for choosing PASS Data Community Summit – we look forward to seeing you on-site next month!

Don’t forget to check out Edwin Sarmiento’s first-timer guide and catch up on Denny Cherry’s Attendee Briefing – these are both great resources that come with lots of advice on how to make the most of your time at the event.


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